With the current state of our world, as a parent, we are having to suddenly turn ourselves into full time teachers to our children. I have always said that it is very important to me that my kids travel and learn about the different cultures of the world. And just because we can’t get on an airplane and make that happen at the moment, it doesn’t mean that you cant keep teaching your kids about the amazing world we live in. Scarlett’s Passport: Australia is the first book in the children’s series about Scarlett’s adventures around the world where she learns about language, animals, the history, local cuisine and much more. Instead of only teaching your kids the math and spelling their teachers assigned over quarantine, let your kids explore and learn about Australia with Scarlett’s Passport.
In this book kids will learn about:
-The Map of Australia
-Animals: land and sea
-Local Cuisine
-Australian Flag
-Aborigionals of Australia
-Didgeridoo and Boomerangs
-Monuments / Famous buildings
Projects you could pair with the book:
-Color an Australian Map
-Create the Australian flag with craft paper
-Cook different Australian foods, fairy bread is an easy and fun one! (Blog Post to Follow)
- Create your own aboriginal dot art
-Try making your own boomerang!
-Make a list of similarities and differences of your country and Australia